Adult ADHD assessment

Adult ADHD Assessment

Christine conducts ADHD assessments for adults over the age of 25.   As we become more aware of neurodiversity assessments for adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are increasingly sought for people wanting to understand themselves better.

An Adult ADHD assessment can be a pathway to empowerment and self-discovery.  Many adults with ADHD have struggled for years without understanding why they experience certain challenges in their daily lives. An assessment provides validation by identifying ADHD traits and explaining how they impact your life.

Once diagnosed, you can start to understand which particular aspects of ADHD impact your life and support can be tailored to support you and help you navigate difficulties related to attention, impulsivity, and organization. 


Grounded Life Psychology - Spotswood Psychologist Melbourne

If diagnosed with ADHD, some people decide to pursue medication options through a psychiatrist, other people decide to use other strategies to help them manage ADHD symptoms in their life.  Either strategy is fine and it’s a personal choice.  Remember, seeking assessment and diagnosis is a personal decision, but it can be a crucial step in your journey towards self-understanding and fulfillment.

Adult ADHD Assessment Fees

I generally conduct ADHD assessments for clients who I am already working with, as therapy is my main area of interest.  I have started conducting ADHD assessments due to clients requesting this.  However the process is not dissimilar for new clients or existing clients. 

  • We start with an initial session where we will get an understanding of your liklihood of meeting criteria for an ADHD diagnosis.  This session involves you and an observer (someone who knows you well and has known you for some time) completing a psychometric online and you also complete an intake form.  Both of these forms are completed prior to the sesion. We then discuss these results in session and you can make the decision about whether you would like to go any further.  There is an upfront fee of $300 for this session.
  • The next session involves a semi-structured interview and there may be the need to follow up with your observer if there are any questions.  There is an upfront fee of $300 for this session.
  • Sometimes additional sessions are required for a diagnosis, if this is the case, they will be charged at the standard session rate.
  • If you would like a letter for a psychiatrist or other professionals there is an upfront fee of $440 including GST.
  • If you like, we could then have a session charged at the standard rate (see the fees page), where I feedback results.
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